
A look at YPG’s postponed elections

by Rena Netjes

The Democratic Self Administration in the Northeast Syria Region (as they call themselves) is postponing the elections they had scheduled for June 11 until August.
Let’s take a quick look at these (so-called) elections:

Bashar al-Assad handed over areas in the north incl weapons, police offices to the PYD.

They have been killing and imprisoning Syrian Kurdish (and other) opponents, until now. Their thugs, “Revolutionary Youth”, to this day vandalise offices of other..

Syrian Kurdish parties. Most Syrian Kurdish politicians and activists live in exile after receiving death threats from the PYD.

They expelled many Arabs from different areas, 100Ks, this is a major reason why TR intervened, because they were on tour to expel many more.

They have the Western media in their pocket,” a European diplomat told me recently. So many untold stories like the story of the Shuyukh clan: (I didn’t know this story either…)

Perhaps most importantly: Kurds from Hasaka province are increasingly fleeing from northeastern Syria, and almost all to Germany. And Arabs even more so, to Germany, Netherlands mainly. 1000s per week are arriving in SNA areas, not all are able to continue their journey to Türkiye (tight security at the border/wall and people who are caught are sent back, or lack of money/debt to pay smugglers to begin with).

Because so many Syrians already fled to the north, everyone in Syria has a relative where he or she can stay, or at least for a certain period. We also encountered several of these cases during this trip to Northern Syria.

Among them a female activist from Suwayda who arrived a few weeks ago, whose parents, for example, have friends in Afrin.

Regarding migration. Yday we spoke with several members of the local council in Jarabulus. They told us that 50 to 60 people from SDF areas arrive every day and that buses from Aleppo arrive once a week with migrants from various regime areas through the On al-Dadat crossing.

Kurds continue mostly to Afrin, some also stay in Jarabulus, we were told, others settle in various places in the northern Aleppo (Afrin – Jarabulus + Ayn al-Arab/Kobane is Aleppo province), depending on where they have relatives, in Akhtarin, Azaz etc.

Even the US doesn’t support their elections.


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