
Americans say holocaust is a myth

According to a recent poll conducted by The Economist/YouGov, approximately one-fifth of Americans aged 18 to 29 believe that the Holocaust is a myth. While the survey sample was relatively small (about 200 people), it raises concerns about rising antisemitism, particularly among young individuals in the United States.

Here are some key findings from the poll:

  1. Holocaust Denial:
    • 20% of participants aged 18 to 29 agreed with the statement that “The Holocaust is a myth.”
    • An additional 30% neither agreed nor disagreed.
    • Overall, 7% of all Americans believe the Holocaust is a myth.
    • When asked if denying the Holocaust is antisemitic, 17% of respondents in the 18-29 age group said it was not antisemitic, and 37% were unsure.
    • 23% of those aged 18-29 believed that the Holocaust had been exaggerated.
  2. Views Toward Jewish People:
    • When asked if Jews have too much power in America, 16% of respondents agreed, while 51% disagreed.
    • Among those aged 18-29, 28% believed that Jews have too much power.
    • Regarding the belief that “American Jews are more loyal to Israel than the US,” 23% of respondents aged 18-29 did not consider it antisemitic.
  3. Antisemitism Perception:
    • About a third of Americans described antisemitism as a “very serious problem.”
    • Just over a quarter of young people shared the same view

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