
China worried about Türkiye’s KAAN fighter

KAAN, Turkey’s new generation fighter jet, which made its first flight, continues to attract close attention from the world press.

Finally, the Chinese press devoted its pages to Kaan. The Chinese press wrote that KAAN will create competitive pressure in the J-35 aircraft trade. Zaker, one of China’s leading news websites, appeared before its readers with the headline “Does KAAN want to grab J-35 customers?”. The article emphasized that KAAN has supersonic cruise and high maneuverability, while the radar cross-sectional area feature was also included. It was underlined that the invisibility level is better as the RCS level is lower than its Chinese, US and Russian competitors.

The article stated that Turkey could take China’s share of arms sales with KAAN, as it did with TB-2. Recalling the cooperation with Pakistan, the article drew attention to the comment that KAAN will put pressure on the Chinese J-35 in terms of commercial competition.

Multi-role national fighter jet

With Kaan, Turkey has taken its place among the limited number of countries with the infrastructure and technology to produce a 5th generation fighter aircraft. Kaan, a multi-role national fighter jet, stands out with its superior capabilities for all types of air-to-air combat and air-to-ground combat requirements.

Kaan will provide superior air dominance with increased air-to-air combat range with new weapons, precise and precise strikes from internal weapon mounts at high/supersonic speed, and increased combat power with artificial intelligence and neural network support. Designed as a 5th generation fighter jet, Kaan will be able to work together with elements such as unmanned aerial vehicles.

Auto translated from milliyet.com.tr 

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