
Geert Wilders-Israel connection

The Netherlands’ soon-to-be prime minister far-racist politician Geert Wilders, a half Indonesion person continuously painting his hair in yellow, is a staunch supporter of Israel. Wilders lived in Israel in early 1980s, when his love of Israel got fermented.

Media news is full of his relationships with Israel. Straturka has prepared below compilation for its readers.

The anti-Islam Dutch politician Geert Wilders reportedly received funding from a pro-Israel think tank and the founder of a network of conservative groups in the United States.

Daniel Pipes, director of The Middle East Forum, said his Philadelphia-based think tank funded Wilders’ legal defense in 2010 and 2011 against Dutch charges of inciting racial hatred, according to Reuters. 

Reuters also reported that David Horowitz, who runs a network of Los Angeles-based conservative groups and a website called FrontPage magazine, said he paid Wilders unspecified fees for making two speeches, security costs during student protests and overnight accommodation for his Dutch bodyguards during a 2009 US trip.

Source: https://www.timesofisrael.com/report-two-pro-israel-organizations-in-us-funded-geert-wilders/ 

In 2009/2010, the Dutch intelligence agency AIVD looked into Israeli contacts of PVV front man Geert Wilders. After having received a tipoff, the agency investigated whom Wilders was talking to, including people from the Israeli embassy in The Hague.

Source: https://www.volkskrant.nl/nieuws-achtergrond/aivd-looked-into-israeli-contacts-of-geert-wilders~b9a094c2/?referrer=https://www.google.com/

Third on Mr. Wilders’ election list is Gidi Markuszower, a Tel Aviv born Israeli-Dutch politician, who has represented the PVV in the Dutch parliament for the better part of the last decade. In the past, he was also the spokesperson for Likud Netherlands. In 2010, the Dutch intelligence agencies investigated claims that Mr. Markuszower was linked with the Mossad. He called the allegations ridiculous, but nevertheless decided to forgo his spot on Mr. Wilders’ election list. Barring something unexpected, he will continue to serve the PVV in the Tweede Kamer after the forthcoming elections.

Source: https://www.tarb.co.il/dutch-dreaming-of-israel/ 

A seventeen-year-old Wilders, though non-Jewish, once worked in the West Bank at a moshav farm, a Jewish cooperative agricultural community. As a politician, he maintained a hawkishly pro-Israeli stance. In the party office where he cheered his election victory on November 22, a menorah stands beside a Dutch flag. On social media, some joked that “Israel has won the Dutch elections.” Yet there might be something to that—if, and to the extent that, there is truth to Sam Harris’s eerie hyperbole that, “We are all living in Israel. It’s just that some of us haven’t realized it yet.”

Source: https://www.telospress.com/how-israel-won-the-dutch-elections/

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