
Turkish FM Hakan Fidan proposes “guarantor” formula for Palestine

Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan proposed the “guarantor” formula to uphold peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Fidan said;

We are now proposing the guarantor formula to the parties as the main idea.

-Our conclusion is that the countries in the region should take responsibility for this issue. The method can be discussed separately.

-We offer to the Palestinian side that the guarantor countries should be from the region. This includes Türkiye.

-For Israel, other countries can be guarantors.

-After an agreement is reached that both sides can agree on, the guarantor countries should take responsibility for the fulfillment of its requirements.

Analysts told Straturka that Fidan’s proposal will not be accepted by Israel, as Tel Aviv will deem it as a step back from its current position.

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