
Turkish people don’t want Israelis in their country

Furious with Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza, Turkish people have launched a campaign in social media aiming to revoke dual citizenship of Jewish citizens and visit of Israeli tourists.

Some Turkish Jews fight for Israeli army in Gaza. Blaming them for the murder of Gazan civilians, Turkish people want them to be punished by the government. People also question their loyalty to Turkish state.

Another group Turks don’t want in Türkiye is Israeli tourists. Many of them are believed to be involved in genocide or at least applauding it.

According to İbrahim Karataş, an international relations expert, there will a Gazafication of Israel from now on as people in other countries no longer want to see Israelis in their streets. “Gaza has shown how brutal Israelis are. Everyone knows their real face, so Israelis won’t feel comfortable in another country. They won’t leave their country in order not to face exclusionary behaviors”, he added.

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