
Ursula von der Leyen must be fired, European people say

Ursula von der Leyen, the president of EU commission, is under heavy criticism of Europeans. Von der Leyen is accused of supporting Palestinian holocaust currently perpetrated by Israel. While she unconditionally supports Israel, she uses no single word about the tragedy ongoing in Gaza.

Her latest action enraging people was her below tweet;

Von der Leyen mourned killings happening in 1938 with the hashtag #NeverAgainIsNow. Her X followers criticized her for turning a blind eye on the Palestinian holocaust happening now. She was condemned for being pro-Israel and heartless against Palestinians.

While some followers called her to resign, arguing that she does not deserve to chair EU commission, some others called people to occupy her office in Brussels. Followers generally stated that her personal behaviors and biases damage EU’s image.

Von der Leyen is expected to face more pressure from European people, including governments. Political analysts express that she is the worst EU commission in history.

Straturka has learned that Von der Leyen is criticized by EU officials and member governments and demanded to be neutral at least. An official said her actions implies as if EU supports the genocide in Gaza. She must resign if she wants to serve Europe, he added.

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