
30% weight loss revolution by Turkish doctor

Dr. Mehmet Furkan Burak, who works on combating obesity at Harvard Medical School, told Hürriyet about the treatment method they developed that reduces 30 percent weight loss and reduces the risk of heart attack.

In the last two years, Dr. M. Furkan Burak has been selected by Castle Connolly, one of the most prestigious independent evaluation institutions in the USA, to the list of ‘best doctors’, which only 6 percent of all doctors in the country have managed to enter, and his research on obesity is one of the most important studies that played the most important role in this success. Stating that a new era has been entered in the medical fight against obesity, Dr Burak is on the verge of a permanent solution against obesity with the palmitoleic fatty acid he has brought in the form of medicine. ‘While we get results at the level of surgical intervention with the biological drug, we can also fight other diseases caused by obesity,’ said Dr Burak, and said the following about obesity and the newly developed treatment method:

‘The numbers on obesity are horrendous. It is out of control. According to WHO 2023 data, more than 4 billion of the world’s population will be obese in 2035. 70 per cent of the US is either overweight or obese. Both Turkey and Europe have very high obesity rates. First of all, it is important to know that this is not a lack of willpower, but a disease. Obesity is a big problem that takes 5-10 years from your life, causes more than 100 serious diseases such as heart, asthma, many different diabetes, liver diseases, and the whole world is trying to cope with.

The last 100 years of obesity treatment have been full of problematic drugs and failed treatments. However, in the last 10 years, there has been a major paradigm shift and revolutionary new developments in treatments. This was possible as the molecular mechanisms of metabolism were discovered, as in the case of palmitoleic acid discovered 15 years ago in the laboratory of Prof. Dr. Gökhan Hotamışlıgil. Now, there are treatments that cause 30 per cent weight loss, eliminate the complications of obesity and reduce the risk of heart attack.’


– If you cannot burn the extra energy you receive, it turns into fat. If these fats are stored in the adipose tissue, this is healthy, but if they are stored in the organs, they bring disease.

– We have discovered that the body sends a fatty acid called palmitoleic acid to other organs as a messenger. And to the organs; ‘This extra energy is dangerous, I am storing it, you do not store it’. The molecule we are currently conducting human clinical trials with is this palmitoleic acid.

– The body produces this fatty acid in a limited way. We are trying to provide these good effects by mimicking the body by giving it from outside and supporting its natural mechanism. In other words, replacing the molecules in the body itself gives results at the level of surgery in treatment.

– We produce this fatty acid from the skin of anchovies and similar fish. It is also found in full-fat dairy products and macadamia nuts, but it is not possible to get these foods at therapeutic levels.


Healthy eating and regular exercise are indispensable in the fight against obesity, but in some cases, diets and dietician recommendations may not be sufficient. Because the brain never likes to lose weight. Some people say ‘it helps if I drink water’ but that is not the case. A person is on a diet for 3 months, loses weight, then the brain immediately slows down the metabolic rate. You eat less, but since the metabolism slows down, you burn fewer calories with the same movement and you start to gain it back immediately. When you stop dieting, your metabolic rate is caught low and you gain more weight. This is more dangerous than being overweight.

Auto translated from https://www.hurriyet.com.tr/gundem/turk-doktordan-yuzde-30-kilo-devrimi-42461554


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