
Erdogan and Ak Party regaining popularity, poll reveals

A newly conducted poll shows that Erdogan and his party (Ak Party) are regaining popularity among Turkish people.  Carried out by Optimar company, the poll shows that, in a likely election, Erdogan will get 46.8% of votes against CHP’s Ankara mayor Mansur Yavaş  (39.3 %) and 48.1% against Istanbul mayor Ekrem Imamoglu (37.8%) from the electorate . CHP’s renowned mayor Imamoglu has been losing public support due to bad-administration of Istanbul.

The poll also reveals vote percentages of parties. Political parties will have following shares in a likely election;

Ak Party- 40.5%

CHP- 24%

MHP- 10.6%

Iyi Party- 9.6%

HDP- 8.6%

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