
Prominent Pro-Kurd Politician Whom Just Served 10 Months Term Refutes Torture Allegations in Prisons

Sirri Sureyya Onder a prominent Pro-PKK party HDP member whom was recently released after completing a 10 months prison term refuted torture allegations in prisons mostly circulated by Gulenists to put international pressure on Turkish government. Onder said torture was widely practiced after 1980 coup in prisons but today it was not the case.

58 years old politician was sentenced to 3 years and six months prison term in 2018 for terror propaganda. He was released in October 2019 after a decision of the Constitutional Court. Battling health problems for several months after his release, Onder spoke to the veteran Turkish journalist Rusen Cakir on his Youtube channel.

Former Parliament member from pro-terrorist-Pkk party HDP, Onder was asked about the conditions inside the prisons and specifically torture allegations since it has been instrumentalized by Gulenists to to secure release for its members put in prisons after the quashed coup attempt in 2016.

“Nothing could be like post-1980 coup conditions in prisons,” said Onder who also served 8 years after the infamous 1980 coup. Onder said there was no tortures in prisons anymore but isolation methods could have just as much damage mentally on prisoners since human beings require socialization. Onder’s refutal of torture from his own experience and observation despite being a member of a terrorism-affiliated political party pretty much seals the allegations of tortures in prisons.

The veteran politician made some other controversial comments which revealed the not so secret relations between his own party and ultra-nationalist Iyi Party. “A party (Iyi) who has consulted us (HDP) in the past on several issues like whom to work with in certain areas can not lecture us now,” said Onder apparently revealing an long-denied relations between pro-pkk HDP and ultra-nationalist Iyi Party.

Iyi Party spokesperson Yavuz Agaralioglu came out on Monday night on a national TV to once more deny his party’s relation and election coalition with HDP. “There is no such coward in my party whom would negotiate with child murderers (HDP),” said Agaralioglu. He also went on to put blame on Erdogan’s party and said AKP is the one whom have cooperated with HDP in the past.

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