Why does Jewish capital support porn and child abuse websites or organizations? Yoel Alter, a 35-year-old member of Lev Tahor, the world’s largest Jewish pedophile gang, was arrested by Interpol in Guatemala. In December 2024, Guatemalan police raided the gang’s headquarters after allegations of child abuse and human trafficking and rescued more than 160 children from the gang. So why are Jews behind the porn industry and child sex trafficking? What is their purpose? Let’s take a look together.
Hüsamettin Ertürk, the last President of Teşkilât-ı Mahsusa (Ottoman Intelligence Service), captured the Protocols of the Zionists and explained them in his memoirs. At the top of these protocols were the aims of corrupting the morals of young generations, destroying family life, making art sensual and preventing people from thinking. (Source: Hüsamettin Ertürk’ün Hatıraları, Iki Devrin Perde Arkası, by: Samih Nafiz Tansu, Sebil Publishing House, Istanbul 1996, pages 48, 49.)
It is no coincidence that the owner of PornHub, the site with some of the most disgusting and depraved content in the world, and which is often associated with pedophilia, is a rabbi. The owner of PornHub, Solomon Friedman, is a Jewish lawyer and rabbi who bought Mindgeek, the umbrella company of almost every porn site, and promised to save PornHub from bankruptcy and make it a better place.
Solomon Friedman is the new owner of adult content platform Pornhub. Friedman, a Jewish lawyer and rabbi, has acquired MindGeek, one of the industry’s largest umbrella companies, through his private company. Friedman said he would save Pornhub from bankruptcy and make the platform a better place. The site has now become an even more disgusting space that normalizes LGBT relationships.
Since that promise, PornHub has become a platform for publishing videos of minors being raped by adult men, a disgusting place where 14-year-old girls can be filmed against their will. In other words, PornHub is a site where pedophile videos are posted and perverts run rampant.
Porn movies are being used as a weapon today, using algorithms to addict people and, as a result, cause serious psychological damage to the masses.
This is why a rabbi can own the world’s largest porn site, notorious for hosting videos of child rape, because it is part of Zionism’s war against the world.
Reuben Sturman, who became known as the “Walt Disney of porn,” was an immigrant Russian Jew who grew up on Cleveland’s East Side. He served in the Army Air Corps during World War II and then attended Case Western Reserve University. After graduating in 1948, he started his own business selling comic books. In the 1960s, he started selling sexually explicit magazines.
Michael Kulich, owner of Monarchy Distribution, OGEE Studios and Assence Films, one of the biggest companies in the porn industry, is also a Russian Jew like Sturman. Kulich was fined for selling Playboy magazines in front of high schools.
Michael Kulich admitted that the porn industry was founded by the Jews, and he said that it wasn’t very difficult because Hollywood was already controlled by the Jews. So the Jews have the porn industry completely under their control.
Of course, it is no coincidence that Alvin Goldstein, the famous pornographer who normalized “hardcore” pornography in the US, was also Jewish. Goldstein was the owner of many porn magazines such as Screw Magazine, Bitch Magazine, Smut Magazine, Screw West Magazine, Rabbit Ranch Magazine and many others.
Goldstein explains why Jews control the porn industry: “Because porn is a way to pollute Christian culture, a way to penetrate the hearts of the American mainstream.”
Almost all movements to change the world come from the Jews: Christianity, humanism, Marxism, Socialism and Communism, feminism and the labor movement. It is a mentality that is based on corrupting the world.
This is the dirty mentality behind Lev Tahor, the world’s largest child sex trafficking ring. The pedophile Jewish cult called Lev Tahor was founded in 1980 by Shlomo Helbrans. The group, which had nearly 300 members, frequently changed countries due to kidnapping, sexual abuse and child abuse crimes. After previously operating in the USA, Canada, Eastern Europe and the Balkan countries, they moved to Guatemala in 2014 in order to evade the child rights laws of these countries. But in Guatemala, Yoel Alter, one of the members of the gang, was arrested in an operation organized by Interpol.
This Jewish cult has long been notorious for systematic abuses, including child marriages, forced separation of families, physical and psychological torture, rather than spiritual guidance. Members of the cult live in isolated settlements, completely cut off from the outside world, where they are subjected to extreme levels of indoctrination and control.
The testimonies of escapees and survivors reveal a dark picture of a community where children are treated as property and exchanged through forced marriages. Lev Tahor has been able to continue its activities for all these years by traveling from country to country, thanks to the political and financial shield provided by the Zionist Jewish lobbies.
When any of the organization’s members are prosecuted, they are immediately smuggled to Israel. Israel has therefore become a haven for those who are prosecuted for pedophilia. Let’s see if the lobby can step in and take Yoel Alter off the hands of the police.