
Israel’s troll students

A press release of the Israeli Reichman University  from May 2021 shows that students have a ‘situation room’ where they monitor social media for attacks on Israel. According to social media analyst Marc Owen Jones, it shows that during Israel’s bombings of Gaza, 180 students were basically engaged in social media ‘counter-efforts to balance the anti-Israel discourse’, in languages including ‘English, French and Spanish’.

Students also reported ‘inciting content’. Despite insisting they are independent and ‘civilian’, They also mention they receive assistance from the ‘Institute for Policy and Strategy headed by Maj. (res.) Amos Gilead, and the Abba Eban Institute for International Diplomacy headed by Ambassador Ron Prosor’. The report also mentions that the ‘Situation Room began as a spontaneous initiative during Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012, and resumed its activities in 2014 during Operation Protective Edge’.

Access the press release here; https://www.runi.ac.il/en/whatsup/pages/students-volunteer.aspx


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