
A New Era in Turkish Politics

31 March Municipal elections were carried out with a participation level which is not seen in Europe. Elections were concluded with a great quietness and call all over Turkey. Some statements, which got harsh sometimes during the election, did not highly affect the citizens. Ballot boxes were eventless. Counting and canvass were successful as Supreme Committee of Elections had transparent management, participant parties observed this transparency and they did not enter in unnecessary arguments.

As the citizens know that manipulation arguments, which had been experienced in past years, were not true, party management did not tend to it. In Ankara and Istanbul where the ruling party had won for years, the opposition party has had a higher rate and it was accepted by everyone. No unnecessary discussion was made.

When it is thought that a similar transparent management strategy is followed in the future elections, we can say that elections will be carried out event-free, and it is not seen across the world.

Even-tempered statements of Ekrem İmamoğlu, who won in Istanbul, that “if we lose, we know how to congratulate” gave hope to citizens. As of early hours, voters of AK Party started to state that a loss in the election was not a disaster.

Maybe it was the first sign of peaceful politics in Turkey that when Muharrem İnce lost Presidency election, said “He won” referring the winner.

It was really important that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan stated the early-period results and did not show an ill-tempered attitude.

There were rarely seen instances that Devlet Bahçeli said “the winner is Turkey and our democracy” and Meral Akşener, who never won a place, accepted the results without a doubt.

As a result, Turkey experienced a different kind of post-election atmosphere.

All segments of society wish that this attitude continues. Politicians who are shadows of the people in the street should take charge to continue this moderate atmosphere. Because light Turkey needs this.



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About the author


Mustafa Akman

Mr. Mustafa Akman is a freelance journalist.

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