James Franklin Jeffrey was George Bush’s ambassador to Turkey. Obama kept him in this position until he replaced him with Francis Ricciardone. Ambassador...
Tag - Turkey
Ankara has fulfilled all the promises it made during negotiations with EU, but it has received almost nothing in return Turkey signed a partnership agreement...
The relationship between Ankara and Washington which has tense due to divisions in regional policies for the last three months, is showing signs of recovery...
Turkey has marked five phenomenal achievements as part of its Syria policy throughout the civil war that has been ongoing for almost eight years, which has...
“The new caudillos are on the rise” “The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989” “These new caudillos have little respect for individual rights” “Washington...
Trust is a fragile thing, easy to break. It is too hard to trust you the second time around after you gave us a good reason not to trust you. Lady Gaga and...
The Objection of Republican People’s Party (CHP) to the New Electoral Law The General President of Republican People’s Party (CHP), Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu severely...
It is hard to estimate the number of weapons in Syria today, but it is probably higher than the Syrian population. With an ongoing war, we can safely assume...
peration Olive Branch in Afrin has entered its 55th day, and with Turkish and Free Syrian Army (FSA) forces only a few kilometers from the city center, the...
Partija demokratske unije (PYD) – ogranak PKK-a osnovan 2003. godine – uz pomoć njene oružane milicije (YPG) iskoristila je sirijski rat da nasiljem, ubistvima...