
The Examination of Aydoğmuş Case in terms of Perception Study


It is seen that the coup attempt of 2016, which tried to overthrow the elected government, has not been accepted by many circles yet. The media giants, which react within hours, even to a tribal revolution taking place elsewhere in the world, have expressed their opposition to the coup in Turkey unwillingly, reluctantly after several weeks. However, it appears that the reluctance, the inability to understand the coup still continues.

We see the effects of this unacceptability in different ways. Fetullah Gulen, who has been proven by the official authorities as the chief actor of the coup, continues to reside in Pensilvania despite the extradition request, even though the Republic of Turkey is implementing the criminal matter requested by the USA, in accordance with the USA-Turkey bilateral agreements.

There were ordinary supporters as well as the army, journalist, politician, businessmen, academicians, lawyers and police members who carried out the coup. A significant part of them had captured certain authorities in the state with the help of the FETO team. While some of them supported the position in connection with the authorities, others supported the coup team financially, sometimes from their own income and sometimes from humanitarian aid they had collected from others.

The coup plotters and coup sympathizers also continued their activities outside Turkey. Some crimes and criminals that have been proven in the legal system of offenses committed outside their homeland have begun to be demanded after the relevant protocols have been completed, by extraditing of criminals agreement from the countries they live in.

The coup supporters who continue their activities in written and digital media continue to make publicity activities with various perception methods without interruption. Aydoğmuş case is one of them. In order to prevent criminal punishment, endless publications continue.

Our aim in this writing is to examine the article of the media organ in which the perception work is carried out to reveal contradictions within itself.

The exceptions were taken unchanged and comments were not added. The reader is tried to be convinced a certain thought with the hypnotic phrases revealed by Milton Erickson.



Turkish Family In Albania Risk Facing Torture In New Abuse Case Of Interpol By Turkey

In this sentence, family is emphasized and the sense of torture existence in Turkey is placed.

SCF  11 Oct 2017 Abroad, Hate Speech, News, Radicalism, Rule Of Law, Top Story, Torture

With the second sentence, it is obvious that the hypnotic words, although the person is not aware of it, strengthened the criminal existence in Turkey.

Another abuse of Interpol mechanisms by Turkey, this time reported in Albania, has stranded a Turkish family in the country as they try to make their way to Italy.

The third sentence increases the effect of the first two sentences with hypnotic words.

Yasir Aydoğmuş, his wife Nermin Aydoğmuş and the couple’s 8 and 10-year-old children were detained in Albania as they were trying to cross to Italy but were released on a bail. They were detained again after the intervention by Turkish embassy officials who sought their extradition based on an arrest warrant filed through Interpol.

In this sentence, the compassion that should be shown to the children of the family is related to the word of arrest, and the rational thinking of the reader is prevented.


Aydoğmuş family fear they will be subjected to a torture and ill-treatment if they return to Turkey. The family has been reportedly under the protection of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

With the statement of how much they were afraid even with an unrealized action, the pathological fear is being overlooked.

It was learned that Yasir Aydoğmuş was used to an academic at private Fatih University which was closed down by Turkish government decree under the rule of emergency declared in the aftermath of a controversial coup attempt on July 15, 2016 over its alleged affiliation with the Gülen movement. His teacher wife was also dismissed from the duty in the same oppressive climate in wake of the coup attempt.

By giving the message that the father of the family is a good person, the mistake of the decision is shown in a hypnotic way.

The family is believed to the associated with the Gülen movement that faces an unprecedented crackdown in Turkey where over 50,000 people were jailed in the last year or so on trumped up terror and coup charges.

In this paragraph, it is sneakingly assumed that the family does not even have a connection with the Gulen movement.

Turkish autocratic President Recep Tayyip Erdoðan said on Wednesday in a speech in the Serbian town of Novi Pazar alongside his Serbian counterpart Aleksandar Vucic that people affiliated with the Gülen movement will be “rooted out” from the Balkans. “We will root out this treacherous gang called FETÖ from the Balkans, just as we did from our country,” vowed Erdoðan.

The source of action that is not revealed yet is mentioned here; Enemy, Erdogan. And his dictator formation. Here the criminal appears to have been injected into the reader.

“FETÖ” is a derogatory buzzword, coined by Erdoðan who calls the Gülen movement as Fethullahist Terrorist Organization.

Of course, the decision of the dictator is wrong. The person that reads this sentence gets the message of Fetullah is not a terrorist without being aware of it.

European Parliament has recently debated the abuse of Interpol by Turkey and other states after Germany and Sweden pushed the issue to the agenda after their citizens were detained in Spain based on arrest warrants issued by Turkey through Intertpol. Matti Maasikas, Estonia’s Deputy Minister for EU Affairs, told MEPs in the European Parliament that an EU-Interpol committee would “discuss possible improvements of Interpol systems” with the police body at a meeting on November 20, 2017.

The message of even the European Union should be with this family is not hidden at all.

The Turkish government’s blatant abuse of the International Criminal Police Organization (Interpol) to persecute, harass and intimidate critics and opponents is much worse than one can imagine, a research by Stockholm Center for Freedom (SCF), an advocacy group that tracks rights violations in Turkey, has revealed.

A sentence that indicates it is not necessary to reflect up to get the message of Turkish Government is always guilty.

“The dubious and false charges filed by Turkey through Interpol to hunt down legitimate critics of Turkey’s autocratic President Recep Tayyip Erdoðan have in some cases succeeded in extraditing people from abroad, subjecting returnees to torture and ill treatment in notorious Turkish prisons. In other cases, people were stranded in third countries while travelling and were forced to fight the forcible return as they remained in detention facilities,” said the SCF report.

The family’s crimes were already suspicious. How clear the message is; if it is an unrealized suspicion it is a certain crime.

Leading NGOs, such as Fair Trials in the UK, the New York-based Human Rights Watch, and Reporters Without Borders in Paris, have also urged the Interpol to weed out abuses.

The message of the human rights is being violated.

More than 126,000 people have been detained over ties to the Gülen movement in Turkey and over 50,000 formally arrested so far while Erdogan earlier called on foreign governments to punish Gulen followers in their own countries.

Actually, in Turkey, 126 thousand people have already suffered from this injustice. How properly related these suspicious events to this family.

In May Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Georgia and Myanmar handed over academics, businessmen and school principals upon the Turkish government’s request despite the fact that some of those victims already had refugee status with the UN. The move drew harsh criticism from human rights organizations.

Striking sentence. With surgical intervention, which succeeded in reading the article until the end, was taught the necessity of international organization.

Conclusion: As you can see, the article was built from the beginning to end to fit the Milton Erickson hypnotic method. A suspicious transaction that has not yet happened is first converted into crime and the victim is selected as Turkey.


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